On Wednesday March 17th, 2018 Spry Lodge No. 385 put on its 8th annual Ultimate Trivia Night fundraising event at the Muddy Water Hotel.

Once again, R.W. Bro. Doug Fleet did another fantastic job of being the Master of Ceremonies for the evening and being the center focus of all the heckling. Great job Doug!

Thanks go out to all the members who helped setup and run the event, as well as those who donated prizes (too many to list; you know who you are).

Very special thanks go out to Annmarie Skinner, Laura Daigle, Kim Sarrugia and Ben Nguyen for all of their kind assistance.

The event was well attended and a fun night was had by all. The victorious “know-alls” that won the trivia challenge was the team called Collaboration, co-chaired by R.W. Bro. Ken Pratt and V.W. Bro. Ron Moore.

Thanks to all that came out and made the night the great success it was!

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