
ELECTIONS: As per our By-laws, the annual elections of the Officers for Spry Lodge for the ensuing Masonic year occurs at the regular February meeting. We are pleased to announce that the following officers received the necessary votes to enable them to progress the next...

Spry Lodge booked ice time at the Beeton Arena so that our members, families and friends could have an hour long private skate indoors. The event took place on Sunday, January 20th, 2013. The skating was well enjoyed by all who took advantage of the private...

Thank you to all who participated in this years Christmas Celebration for our special ladies. It was a fantastic afternoon filled with laughs, memories and song. The delicious meal was catered by The Whistle Stop and special entertainment included a range of talented performers from Music...

Spry Lodge was pleased to welcome R.W. Bro. Douglas R. Fleet, the District Deputy Grand Master of Georgian South District to our November meeting on this, his official visit. The Lodge was opened at 5:30 pm, suspended for a most excellent banquet at 6:30 pm, and...

W. Bro. Clayton Shibley:- Sixty Years a Mason! In recognition of this significant milestone, V.W. Bro. Davey Todd honoured W. Bro. Shibley by paying tribute to his extensive Masonic and personal career. Following which, W. Bro. Johnston and R.W. Bro. Fleet presented W. Bro. Shibley...

Once again, Bro. Potts proved his zeal, enthusiasm and dedication to the craft by eagerly progressing through the degrees and being Raised to the S.D. of a M.M. His proficiency in the F.C. degree was equally well conveyed as his previous exemplary demonstration of the...

This years Ponderosa & Patio event was well attended and enjoyed by all. The sun was shining and the greens were friendly. We switched the format to best ball this year making the golf even more enjoyable, as everyone was able to contribute their best...