
I just wanted to start off by saying a big thank you to the Nolan family for hosting the Spry & Tottenham Joint Lodge Family & Friends BBQ this year. We had about 25 people turn out for the event; the weather was perfect; the kids...

Our fifth annual V.W. Bro. Davey Todd Memorial Golf Outing was met with rays of sunshine and bright happy faces. We had record numbers and much thanks goes out to the brethren of Spry and Tottenham lodge along with family and friends who joined in...

On August 21st, 2019, a reception was held in honour of R.W. Bro. Jeff Johnson, the newly invested District Deputy Grand Master for Georgian South District for the 2019-2020 Masonic year.  R.W. Bro. Johnson is and endeared member of Spry Lodge No. 385 and well loved...

On Monday, June 24th, 2019, Bro. Brendan Magee was passed to the Fellow Craft Degree.  It was a proficient and excellently executed degree by all; Bro. Magee and the entire degree team.  A true pleasure to have seen. Congratulations to Bro. Brendan Magee on a job...

During the regular meeting of Spry Lodge, on Monday May 27th, 2019, those brethren present were witness to a wonderful evening of ritual and fellowship. Not only did the degree team deliver some excellent ritual for the raising of Bro. David Heath to the sublime...

Bro. Parvaiz Khan, better known as Perry Khan, was initiated into freemasonry at the regular meeting of Spry Lodge No. 385 on April 22nd, 2019. The ceremony of Bro. Khan’s initiation was witnessed by the District Deputy Grand Master, R.W. Dave Cuthbertson, and was a perfect...

On Sunday March 24th the Richmond Hill Stars PeeWee AA team lead by our very own Bro. Adam Russo and his coaching staff, defeated the Burlington Eagles 1-0 to take the series 3 games to 1, thus becoming this years’ OMHA Champions for their age...

The Muddy Water Hotel, across the road from Spry Lodge, was once again the venue for Spry Lodge's 9th annual Ultimate Trivia Night fundraiser, which took place on March 13th, 2019. With R.W. Bro. Doug Fleet resuming his role as the all-knowing quiz-master (though far from...

Every winter, Spry Lodge hosts a free family & friends skate at the Beeton arena. This popular event is a great way for virtual non skaters like myself and my 4 year old son to get some practice on unassuming and less crowded ice. Basil...